Discovering New Partners
Our Services • Discovering Partners
“The path to a market begins with a partner, for this you have “Eurasia Gateway”.
 There is a unique situation for foreign suppliers taking place in today’s Russia. Given the exit of a large number of European firms from the market, Russian enterprises are eager to purchase a wide range of goods from reliable suppliers abroad.
 As part of the service, Eurasia Gateway is ready to provide you with a list of potential Russian buyers for your specific products for our further marketing campaign among potential consumers and to identify the interest of specific companies in purchasing your products.
How do we work
1. Study of your products
In order to promote your products properly in Russia and attract the targeted customers, we need to obtain information about your products.
2. Market research
We will explore the Russian market, create a profile of a potential client and identify potential partners among Russian enterprises that use like products in their activities.
3. Russification of advertising materials
We tailor promotional materials about your company and products for Russian clients to establish direct contacts with potential customers and conduct marketing campaigns in Russia.
4. Contact with the customer
We promote your products contacting customers directly at specialized fairs or by visiting relevant enterprises, if necessary.
5. Result
We provide you with purchase offers for your products
In case you’re interested in service, please don’t hesitate to contact us any time. You can submit a call request, set a task by filling out the simple form or contact one of our local representatives directly.Â