Events Participation Support
Our Services • Events Participation Support
“The path to a market begins with a partner, for this you have “Eurasia Gateway”.
 The number of trade exhibitions, forums, business missions and other types of business networking events are rapidly increasing worldwide, including Russia. Read our article about major exhibitions in Russia.
 However, the growth in the number of such events often leads to a decrease in their quality. Bearing in mind that a company’s participation in foreign events occurs infrequently and is associated with high financial and time costs, there are huge risks assosiated with poor organization, which may lead to an absence of results from a trip and create a misleading impression of market entry prospects.
 In this regard, at Eurasia Gateway, we see our task as developing a clear long-term plan for your company’s participation in business events in Russia. Based on your goals and interests, as well as taking into account the products you produce, we are ready to provide a full range of services, from preparing a list of the most suitable events to organizing and conducting meetings and negotiations with clients or government officials.
How do we work
1. Study of your products
In order to precisely identify the necessary events and attract the right clients, we need to obtain information about your products.
2. Selection of the most effective events
Based on your products and goals, we will identify the most relevant events in Russia that are worth focusing on.
3. Scheduling meetings
Once we have identified the event, we will ensure a multiplicative effect of attendance by organizing additional meetings and company presentations on the sidelines.
4. Russification of advertising materials
We tailor promotional materials about your company and products for Russian clients to establish direct contacts with potential customers and conduct marketing campaigns in Russia.
5. Event registration and support
We will handle the registration of clients for the event and can provide assistance to you, including continuous support from an interpreter and assistant.
In case you’re interested in service, please don’t hesitate to contact us any time. You can submit a call request, set a task by filling out the simple form or contact one of our local representatives directly.Â