Government Relations (GR)
Our Services • Government Relations
“The path to a market begins with a partner, for this you have “Eurasia Gateway”.
 For successful business development, it is important not only to have efficient internal operations within the company but also to have a comfortable, predictable external business environment, favorable industry legislation, and constructive interaction with market regulators, industry communities, and government authorities.
 Many companies ignore the fact that interaction with the authorities of the country importing goods or investments from abroad opens up a golden opportunity for exporters. Meanwhile, Russia maintains close contacts with foreign states at various levels. Regular meetings are held between business communities, industry circles, chambers of commerce, and government authorities, during which many issues of specific enterprises are resolved, and agreements regarding business participation in state infrastructure projects in Russia are signed.
 With Eurasia Gateway, you will always be informed about all draft legislative initiatives that affect your company and industry. Moreover, your initiatives and position on relevant issues will be promptly conveyed to government agencies, infrastructure agents, and professional market participants.
How do we work
Depending on the client’s needs, the service delivery process may be altered, but the key principles of our work in GR consulting are as follows.
1. Defining the client's goal and studying the essence of the issue
For swift and effective resolution of your task, we must clearly understand your objective and examine the existing documentation related to the specific issue.
2. Determining the strategy for interaction with authorities
In Russia, as in other countries, there is a highly branched system of government bodies. We will identify which government agency is responsible for the issue at hand and, together with the client, formulate an optimal action plan to achieve the set objectives.
3. Fulfilling the task
Depending on the task, we can carry out the following procedures:
- Establishing communication with responsible government authorities to clarify their policies towards the industry or specific organization;
- Establishing connections with public organizations, business associations, advisory bodies at federal and regional government authorities, forming coalitions for the implementation of specific GR projects;
- Active monitoring of the legislative process in government bodies: development, introduction and lobbying of draft laws, amendments and other regulatory legal acts in the interests of the client;
- Defining the potential for your organization's participation in infrastructure projects in Russia;
- Preparation of documentation for your company's participation in government projects or support programs implemented in the Russian Federation;
- Placing problematic issues of foreign economic activity of your enterprise on the agenda of intergovernmental meetings.
In case you’re interested in service, please don’t hesitate to contact us any time. You can submit a call request, set a task by filling out the simple form or contact one of our local representatives directly.Â